Jälkiteolliset luontoarvot ja materialismit metsätalouden muokkaamassa maisemassa


  • Maija Halonen University of Eastern Finland


postindustrial materialism, valuing of natural resources, human-oriented nature-relationship, narrative interview


Industrial use of nature and the end products seem to reflect the archetype of materialistic human-nature relationship whereas postindustrial materialisms tend to remain undefined or will be lump together as postmaterial. The aim of this article is to enrich the conception of materialistic premises and instrumental values regarding the postindustrial use of forests. This case study focuses on the eastern side of Lieksa, Finland, which is characterised by a multifunctional forested landscape. The narrative interviews with residents form the basis of the data to which the interpretative analysis of materialisms is then applied. Based on the results, postindustrial forest use tends to be linked to different kinds of materialistic forms, sometimes also through industrial forest use. The end value may be immaterial experience but to reach this experience materialistic commodities may be needed or nature itself will be changed in materialistic ways. The postindustrial human-nature relationship can be typified into four categories: commodity basis defined by end value, cultivation of nature into instrumental infrastructure, consuming nature as instrumental infrastructure, and indirect commodities instrumentally enabling human-nature relation.

How to Cite

Halonen, M. (2020). Jälkiteolliset luontoarvot ja materialismit metsätalouden muokkaamassa maisemassa. Alue ja Ympäristö, 49(2), 44–65. https://doi.org/10.30663/ay.94540