Geothermal energy and the knowledge challenge of governing policy problems


  • Johanna Tuomisaari Bio- ja ympäristötieteiden laitos, Jyväskylän yliopisto
  • Niina Junno Helsingin yliopisto
  • Pia Bäcklund Helsingin yliopisto
  • Annakaisa Korja Helsingin yliopisto


geothermal energy, seismic risk, energy transition, institutional ambiguity


To mitigate climate change, we must transition to low-carbon energy system. In Finland and abroad, geothermal energy has become one source of emission-free renewable energy but its building and use entail risks. In this article we study the governance of seismic risk of geothermal energy in a multi-actor network. We focus on how actors perceive the role of the Institute of Seismology in geothermal energy governance network. We examine how a complex policy problem such as the governance of seismic risk of geothermal energy is organized in an institutionally ambiguous situation and what kind of questions relating to knowledge and knowing arise. Our analysis demonstrates how the solution to the policy problem is negotiated while the governance practices of geothermal energy and division of labour is being shaped. Our study also points out that the move from government to governance does not make traditional hierarchical government and regulation obsolete. On the contrary, explicit and stable operational environment fosters the adoption of new technologies.




How to Cite

Tuomisaari, J., Junno, N., Bäcklund, P., & Korja, A. (2022). Geothermal energy and the knowledge challenge of governing policy problems. Alue ja Ympäristö, 51(1), 21–39.