Metsä arkisen hyvinvoinnin lähteenä naisten kertomuksissa


  • Kirsi Laurén UEF


This article discusses how modern Finnish women
experience forests in their everyday lives. Empirical
research material consists of narratives written by
women of various ages. These narratives show that
women who tend to go to the woods go there
mostly to get emotional and physical recreation.
Especially forests nearby home and immediate
surroundings are important for the everyday lives
and well-being of the women. Many of the women
are private forest owners and for them well-being
in forest means also personal forestry work. The
consequence of the work emerges as a seemingly
well-kept landscape and as an improved wood
production. On the grounds of women’s narratives,
forests offering recreation and well-being must be
silent and peaceful, they should be located near
home, and there should be enough old trees.





Laurén, K. (2009). Metsä arkisen hyvinvoinnin lähteenä naisten kertomuksissa. Alue ja Ympäristö, 38(2), 13–24. Noudettu osoitteesta