Sosiaalinen pääoma ja kaksoiskaupunki TornioHaaparannan kehittyminen
Although the connection between social capital and regional development is strongly acknowledged in
the research literature, few studies have been carried out in the context of cross-border regions. This is
noteworthy, considering the increasing role of cross-border cooperation as a development tool in Europe
in recent decades. When studying the impact of social capital on regional development, Europe’s northern
border regions offer a highly interesting research context. The role of cultural similarities in easing
transnational co-operation is emphasised as it compensates regions’ peripheral locations in relation to
big markets. In this article, I explore the development of the TornioHaparanda twin city region through
their innovative cross-border project Rajalla På Gränsen, and study how social capital has affected this development.
As the main research material, I use interviews with local key actors. Although the relationship
between social capital and regional development is generally considered positive, their interdependence is
not straightforward. This case study shows that social capital located in small and close communities can
both promote and restrain regional development and transformation, depending on the local operational
environment at the given time.