Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen elintarvikeketjun hallinnan näkökulmasta

Tapaustutkimus kolmen maakunnan alueella


  • Antti Puupponen UEF
  • Ari Paloviita UEF


This article is based on a case study that examines climate change adaptation of food supply chain in
three Finnish inland provinces Central Finland, Pirkanmaa and South Savo. The focus of the study was on
food processing enterprises and their adaptation strategies. For the study, 14 thematic interviews were
conducted and the research data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The persons interviewed
were food entrepreneurs, managers of food enterprises and representatives of trade organizations and
expert organizations. The main research questions addressed in the article are: what kind of threat does
climate change pose to food enterprises? What kind of adaptation aspects can be identified in the food
chain with respect to food supply chain management? According to the results, adaptation to climate change
can be characterized as reactive or autonomous strategy based on localization and decentralization of
food supply chain as well as on regional food systems. We conclude that value-based strategic partnerships
in the food chain could enhance the regions’ adaptive capacity and resilience. Further research on
regional impacts of climate change on the supply chain is required to provide decision-makers with more
comprehensive guidance.





Puupponen, A., & Paloviita, A. (2014). Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutuminen elintarvikeketjun hallinnan näkökulmasta: Tapaustutkimus kolmen maakunnan alueella. Alue ja Ympäristö, 43(1), 61–72. Noudettu osoitteesta