Alue ja Ympäristö on kaksi kertaa vuodessa ilmestyvä monitieteinen aikakauslehti, jota julkaisevat Alue- ja ympäristötutkimuksen seura ry sekä Yhteiskuntatieteellisen ympäristötutkimuksen seura ry. Lehti on tärkein suomalaisen aluetieteen ja yhteiskuntatieteellisen ympäristötutkimuksen foorumi.
Copyright Notice
When sending a manuscript the author(s) accept the digital publishing contract digital publishing contract ("sähköinen kustannussopimus", please open the link and read it!). The publishing contract covers the publication of the manuscript on the paper and digital versions of the Alue ja ympäristö journal according to the Open Access principles and the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence []. The conditions allow anyone to copy and distribute the work for free in any medium and form, changed or unchanged provided that appropriate credit to author(s) is given, a link provided to the license, and any changes are indicated. Alue ja Ympäristö is a scientific journal that doesn't pursue economical gain. Instead the purpose of the publishing contract is to acknowledge the moral rights of the author(s) to their work and make possible the distribution of results of scientific research in Alue ja Ympäristö journal in print as well as in digital form. The licence concerning the metadata of published articles is Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0).
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- Figure and table formatting follows the author guidelines and are delivered as separate files.
- Text files are in file formats used by Microsoft Word (.docx). Also OpenOffice or RTF formats are accepted.
- The manuscript hasn't been published before and at the moment it is not being reviewed for another publication.
- The text has been formulated as instructed in author guidelines.
- The manuscripts and attachments going to peer review must be anonymised (including file metadata).
- Please check that you have added URLs and DOI codes to the references when available.
- Attach a letter to the editors according to author guidelines ("Comments for the Editor" field) with your manuscript.