Themes for sustainability studies on a way toward ecowwelfare state


  • Jarkko Levänen LUT-yliopisto


ekohyvinvointivaltio, kestävyyssiirtymä, talous, hyvinvointi, hallinta


Sustainability research plays an important role on our way toward eco-welfare state where citizens’ wellbeing realizes within the ecological carrying capacity. To produce information relevant for these types of transitions, sustainability research needs to be capable of constantly renewing itself both in terms of methods and focus areas. Thus, sustainability research and eco-welfare state should be developed in a dialogical relationship so that research questions remain in line with the best understanding of ecological, social and economic preconditions of a good life. This way we can sufficiently understand societal changes required by a transition toward eco-welfare state. In this review article, I focus on topical themes of sustainability research which seem to require attention in the development of eco-welfare state. Themes in focus include economy, wellbeing and transition management, which I approach both as societal and academic challenges and opportunities. I highlight the meaning of time perspective on our way to eco-welfare state: to gain sustainable foundation for our wellbeing, we must be able to simultaneously carry out both rapid changes and commitments that are based on longer-term deliberation. These will include difficult choices for both individuals and societies. In some situations, required changes may even seem mutually contradictive.




How to Cite

Levänen, J. (2021). Themes for sustainability studies on a way toward ecowwelfare state. Alue ja Ympäristö, 50(2), 165–172.