Kansainvälisen ympäristöyhteistyön vaikuttavuus Luoteis-Venäjällä


  • Monica Tennberg UEF


Most of the research on effectiveness of international
environmental regimes is based on the study
of international environmental agreements and
their implementation by different countries. In this
study, however, the object of study is an international
environmental regime in Northwestern Russia
which is based on collaboration between national
and regional decision-makers, funding agencies and
programs. The effectiveness of international environmental
regimes has both institutional and environmental
dimensions. Institutional effectiveness
refers to a regime’s capacity to fulfil the aims set for
it. Environmental effectiveness refers to impacts of
cooperation on the state of the environment and
to the use of natural resources. These two dimensions
of effectiveness do not necessarily support
each other. In this study the participants in international
environmental cooperation in Northwestern
Russia have been asked to evaluate the regime and
its effectiveness. 50 Russian and 20 Nordic participants
have been interviewed for the study during
winter 2003–2004. In addition, a questionnaire was
sent to project managers working in Northwestern
Russia in the fall 2004 and 50 of them responded.
This article gives an overview of the results from
the interviews and questionnaires. Respondents to
interviews and questionnaires consider international
environmental cooperation in Northwestern Russia
institutionally effective, but they differ in their evaluation
of environmental effectiveness.




How to Cite

Tennberg, M. (2005). Kansainvälisen ympäristöyhteistyön vaikuttavuus Luoteis-Venäjällä. Alue ja Ympäristö, 34(2), 26–35. Retrieved from https://aluejaymparisto.journal.fi/article/view/64228