Pääsy kielletty alle 18

Lapsuuden tilapolitiikka


  • Kirsi Pauliina Kallio UEF


Childhood is a self-evident concept that holds a
firm position in social practice and thought. Age, as
an official limit between childhood and adulthood,
is found useful in many political and administrative
practices. Hence age and childhood are portrayed
as naturalized parts of social order. Consequently,
almost all policy making and legislation make resort
to age in regulating social activities. These practices
make childhood an entity that unquestionably forms
the context of living for the fist 18 years. In institutional
processes age is understood as an unbiased
and equal numeric value. However, in a critical consideration
it can also be seen as an oppressive tool.
Age classes and limits are constructs through which
the society is both formed and reproduced. This
article examines the social meanings of childhood
from a socio-spatial point of view. By looking at age
as a means of empowerment, a process of classification,
and a form of politics, it is shown to be much
more than a mere number. The ways of producing
age are examined by highlighting the importance of
the places and spaces of reproduction. Childhood
politics are here considered with relation to children’s
own political activity.




How to Cite

Kallio, K. P. (2006). Pääsy kielletty alle 18: Lapsuuden tilapolitiikka. Alue ja Ympäristö, 35(1), 3–13. Retrieved from https://aluejaymparisto.journal.fi/article/view/64266