Tulevaisuuden kaupungit suomalaisessa kuvataiteessa


  • Leena Helenius UEF


This article examines six pictures created by six
Finnish visual artists: Simo Hannula, Päivikki Kallio,
Väinö Kunnas, Juhani Linnovaara, Kalervo Palsa, and
Eila-Maria Salo. The main theme in their pictures
is the image of a future city. The aim of the study
is to investigate what kinds of objects are used in
them in interpreting the future. The objects examined
consist of a) the actors and action in the cities,
b) contrastic, alienated, and estranged articles in a
city’s imagery landscape, and c) values made visual
in the pictures: beliefs, hopes, wills, and choices. Each
picture is analysed individually. The objects under
scrutiny are considered as signs, and these signs are
understood as the way of the artists to represent
their mental image of each described subject.




How to Cite

Helenius, L. (2007). Tulevaisuuden kaupungit suomalaisessa kuvataiteessa. Alue ja Ympäristö, 36(2), 18–30. Retrieved from https://aluejaymparisto.journal.fi/article/view/64326