Ilmastonmuutos ja puhdas maantiede

Lähiö, maisema ja kartografia J.G. Granön teorian kontekstissa


  • Samuli Helama UEF
  • Jari Holopainen UEF


J.G. Granö (1882–1956) was a Finnish geographer
who created the theory of “pure geography”. This
theory divided the human perceptual environment
into the proximity and the landscape, whereby
people interact directly with objects in the proximity
while the landscape is perceived mainly through
vision, remaining at a distance. This article reviews
literature exemplifying the influence of climate
change on the proximity and the landscape, with
emphasis on the Finnish context. The theory assists
us to suggest that the direct and indirect influences
due to climate change will primarily be perceived
in the proximity and the landscape, respectively.
Cartographical approach is applied to a global
network of temperature observations to define
the areas of the Earth’s surface with expectably
homogenous climate change regimes. The output
of this analysis shows the spatial extents of warming
and cooling regions. On global scale, Finland belongs
to the area of intensive warming. This makes it
realistic to foresee the anticipated changes in the
proximity and the landscape. Mountainous landscapes
will likely experience strongest change. We also
hypothesize that climate change may influence the
human perceptual environment, albeit to a likely
smaller degree, by influencing the way we perceive
the environment, due to human physiology.





Helama, S., & Holopainen, J. (2010). Ilmastonmuutos ja puhdas maantiede: Lähiö, maisema ja kartografia J.G. Granön teorian kontekstissa. Alue ja Ympäristö, 39(1), 3–14. Noudettu osoitteesta