Canadian Bioenergy Development and EU Influences


  • Matthew Sawatzky


This article employs a relational approach to examine EU influences on Canadian bioenergy development.
Bioenergy development is a multifaceted process that needs to be understood as part of much larger
governance processes, including international climate change objectives and trade, as well as national and
provincial energy politics. This work uses the concept of translation loops to analyze the Comprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU, Canadian domestic energy politics
and Canadian bioenergy development. The results indicate that CETA has both path dependent and path
creation aspects, and that bioenergy development is currently hindered by path dependent elements in
domestic politics, a lack of vision in the energy sector, access to markets and low energy prices. To address
these issues, Canada could look to the EU for strategy development, but needs to invest more in research
and develop stronger policies. The article also argues for the development of a carbon accounting system
which acknowledges both bioenergy producers and consumers.




How to Cite

Sawatzky, M. (2017). Canadian Bioenergy Development and EU Influences. Alue ja Ympäristö, 46(2), 32–46. Retrieved from