Sukupuoli- ja luontokäsitykset suomalaisen metsänomistajuuden osana

Diskurssianalyyttinen näkökulma


  • Annukka Vainio UEF
  • Riikka Paloniemi UEF


This study explored how Finnish forest owners talk
about forest ownership as a discourse. We wanted
to identify, which subject positions forest owners
described for themselves. In addition, we wanted
to analyse how socially constructed conceptions of
gender and nature were used to give meaning to
these subject positions. Twenty-five forest owners
in southern Finland (Pirkanmaa) were interviewed
using a semi-structured qualitative attitude approach.
In this study, four different subject positions of
forest ownership emerged: “loggers”, “protectors”,
“bystanders” and “political agents”. Loggers were
described as typical forest owners, and this position
was explicitly described as masculine. Loggers and
protectors had different perceptions about humans’
relationship to nature. Contrary to the ecofeminist
literature, all protectors in the current study
were men. Bystanders’ position was described as
typically feminine. The position of a political agent
was described as non-gendered. These results were
discussed in the contexts of the environmental
justice theory and the ecofeminist philosophy.





Vainio, A., & Paloniemi, R. (2009). Sukupuoli- ja luontokäsitykset suomalaisen metsänomistajuuden osana: Diskurssianalyyttinen näkökulma. Alue ja Ympäristö, 38(2), 3–12. Noudettu osoitteesta