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Author Guidelines

Alue ja Ympäristö [Region and Environment] journal publishes:

  • Peer-reviewed research articles and review articles
  • Peer-reviewed commentaries
  • Discussions
  • Lectio praecursoria speeches
  • Reviews of doctoral theses
  • Book reviews
  • Interviews
  • Epiphytes (i.e. varying free-form articles)
  • Event announcements

Manuscripts should always be sent through this portal. With your manuscript please provide a letter to the editors, where you explain why you offer your manuscript to the journal, how you think your manuscript fits with the journal, in which scholarly discussions you wish to participate, what is the key contribution of your work, and possible other issues to be considered in evaluating the manuscript. You can write the letter in the "Comments for the editor" field in the submission form.

Manuscripts intended as research articles and commentaries go through anonymized peer-review. Peer-reviewers are two experts in the theme. The comments of peer-reviewers must be taken into consideration when finalizing the manuscript.

Submission deadlines

We publish two issues each year. The first issue is published in June. For this issue we consider submissions covering topics widely from regional studies and environmental research. Submission deadline is the end of January for peer-reviewed articles, and the end of April for other pieces.

The second issue is published in December. It is a theme issue where we consider submissions on a particular theme. Author invitation for the theme issues is published at the turn of the year (i.e. one year in advance). Submission deadline is announced separately in the author invitation for peer-reviewed articles.

All manuscripts are published as an Early Access versions once they have been accepted and completed the editorial process.

Multiple rounds of peer-review may cause delay in publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Figure and table formatting follows the author guidelines and are delivered as separate files.
  • Text files are in file formats used by Microsoft Word (.docx). Also OpenOffice or RTF formats are accepted.
  • The manuscript hasn't been published before and at the moment it is not being reviewed for another publication.
  • The text has been formulated as instructed in author guidelines.
  • The manuscripts and attachments going to peer review must be anonymised (including file metadata).
  • Please check that you have added URLs and DOI codes to the references when available.
  • Attach a letter to the editors according to author guidelines ("Comments for the Editor" field) with your manuscript.