This is an outdated version published on 2023-06-20. Read the most recent version.

From ”primary” to multi-heating. Finnish single-family dwellings became hybrids, equipped with several alternating energy systems



statistics, single-family housing, heating systems, hybrid heating


The energy crisis that erupted made many households to review their heating techniques. Basing on an extensive energy survey data collected in 2022, only a few Finnish single-family dwellings rely on only a single heating source. The majority (89%) are multi-heaters, possessing at least two different heating solutions, between which they alternate. The most common multi-heating system is a combination of electric heating, wood heating and an air-source heat pump. Our results demonstrate that the energy transition is progressing in Finland, but also that the official heating method statistics, based on the concept of "primary heating source" gives an incomplete picture of the heating reality of Finnish small houses. According to our data, for example, only 2% of homes are heated with electricity alone. Electric heating is indeed used in up to 49% of homes, but the role of electric heating is unclear if several heating systems are installed. The figures look quite different from the official heating statistics that should be developed to reflect this versatility which would give a more realistic picture of Finns' energy use. The information can be used to formulate more effective policy measures and economic support schemes for those who really need them.






How to Cite

Numminen, S., Silvikko de Villafranca, M., & Hyysalo, S. (2023). From ”primary” to multi-heating. Finnish single-family dwellings became hybrids, equipped with several alternating energy systems. Alue ja Ympäristö, 00–00.